Bachelor in physiotherapy (2000)
School: KHBO
Thesis: “Developmental stimulation in moderately to severely mentally handicapped children with Down syndrome, according to Pnina Klein. A large-motor approach”
- Specialization
- MISC therapist (1999-2000)
- Mediational Intervention for Sensitizing Caregivers according to Prof Pnina Klein; Bar-Ilan University Israël
- Course visually handicapped at KI Spermalie Brugge (2000-2001)
- The influence of a visual impairment on the motor skills
- Sports physiology at EFAA, Netherlands, 2003
- Medical Taping Concept
- 2003: EFAA / 2009: Josya Sijmonsma
- Dry Needling: 24-26/9/2020
Degree in Osteopathy (2000-2005)
School: BELSO
Thesis: “An osteopathic approach to gastro-oesophageal reflux in babies”
- Post graduate training
- Semiologie
- School:
- Académie Mediterranéenne d’Ostéopathie et de Thérapies Alternatives
- BELSO in Cooperation with FERO
- Courses:
- L’ostéopathie et pédiatrie
- Céphalées migraines 11-12/11/2006
- Les urgences en cabinet 24-25/11/2009
- Viscerocranium 30/01/2010
- Osteopathy in sport 31/01/2010
- Cranial osteopathy 2011
- Osteopathy meets Podiatry 23/03/2019
International and national lecturer, researcher and supervisor 2007- present
- Lecturer at BELSO / BACK 2011 - present
- Discover the TMJ
- Occlusion and TMJ
- Dentures and semiology
- Anatomy, biomechanics and pathomechanics
- Causes and related symptomatology of TMD or temporomandibular disorder
- Physical assessment, palpation and manual treatment
- Medical taping, posturology and applied semiology
Permanente vorming 2005-heden
- Lid
- Lid van de bijscholingscommissie voor Osteopaten (BCO en GNRPO)
Academic career
- Field of expertise and research
- Temporomandibular disorders / craniomandibulaire dysfuncties
- Physiology of Sports and Excercise
- Development of osteopathie, biomechanics and the principles of Fryette
- Field of researche at Ghent University Hospital
- Andrew Taylor Still, the history of osteopathy
- The development of osteopathy
- Introduction to cranial osteopathy
- Osteopathy versus Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy
- Craniomandibulaire dysfuncties
- Lecturer at Ghent University Hospital – faculty of sports medicine
- Purpose: Introduction of osteopathy into sports medicine
- Kinematics: Kapandji versus Harrison H. Fryette
- Medicine versus the “Academy of Applied Osteopathy”
- Physical assessment
- The added value of osteopathy
- The theoretical and practical background of osteopathy
- Introduction to cranial and visceral osteopathy
- Physiology of sport and excercise
- The psychosomatic unity
- TMD’s
- BRUNEEL Bart D.O. Discover the TMJ, dutch version. Leuven, ACCO learn;2021
- BRUNEEL Bart D.O. Inleiding tot osteopathie. Oostende; 2022
- Private publications BRUNEEL Bart
- BRUNEEL Bart D.O. How to train a world champ. Oostende, published by the author; 2015
- Documentary commissioned by Red Bull: “Mowgli’s Jungle”
- Article in FIT Health // Body // Lifes 4/2015 : Christophe Tack; “The very best freestyle kitesurfer in the world”